The speed segment is not only the movement speed, but also the attack speed will be greatly enhanced.

Rising like the wind, falling like an arrow, and flexible like a monkey, this rank has a great impact on both attack power and escape ability.

Zhou Fan was not allowed to prepare carefully.

If you want to expand your advantage in this rank, you have to rely on the boat's fishing rod or rouge.

When Zhou Fan was thinking like this, he had already fallen asleep, and when he woke up again, he had appeared on the boat.

The gray fog is hazy, as soft as a veil.

Zhou Fan saw the figure of Rouge, who was sitting at the square table and eating gracefully.

Zhou Fan walked over.

Rouge heard the footsteps and glanced sideways at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was thus able to see the food on the jade plate on the table.

It was a strip of blue meat worms. The blue meat worms were only the size of the little finger, with two knuckles long, and they were constantly wriggling in the plate.

Rouge still has a pair of silver chopsticks in her hand.

Rouge withdrew her gaze, she threw a meat worm into her mouth and chewed it casually, her movements were still very elegant, but what she ate gave people a sense of serenity.

"You eat this kind of thing... I suddenly feel that you are not beautiful at all." Zhou Fan told the truth.

Rouge just sneered, "You don't understand, this is a beauty bug. Eating it can make my face last forever. It doesn't matter if you think I'm beautiful or not, I just know that I'm beautiful."

"..." Zhou Fan pondered for a while, "With your cultivation, can't you stay young forever?"

Rouge glanced at Zhou Fan, "Of course I can, but no matter what kind of beautiful women are most afraid of is aging, knowing that these insects are good for beauty, they can't help but eat them, let alone these insects. The meat is fresh and tender, not bad at all, even if it tastes bitter and astringent, I will eat it.”

"I think other women know the benefits of the beauty bug, and it's impossible to refuse its temptation."

Zhou Fan felt that rouge's words made sense. If you just eat some bugs, you can stay young. There are really few women in the world who can resist the temptation of beauty bugs.

"Do you want to go fishing?" Rouge grabbed another beauty bug and threw it into her mouth and asked.

What she meant was that if you don't want to fish, don't disturb her meal.

"I want to ask you about the speed section exercise." Zhou Fan expressed his thoughts.

"Okay, but I want a little gray worm." Rouge said lazily.

"Yes." Zhou Fan agreed.

Rouge just raised her left hand, and the glass ball appeared.

There are now eighteen large gray worms and three small gray worms in the glass ball. One small gray worm penetrated the glass surface, drilled out from the inside, landed in Rouge's palm, and soon disappeared.

"For you, the speed segment is simple and simple, and neither is it easy nor simple." Rouge put down her chopsticks.

The chopsticks on the table and the jade plate containing the beauty insects quickly turned into mist and dispersed.

She wiped her mouth gracefully with a white handkerchief, "I say it's simple because it's just a small realm after all, and I say it's not simple, because if this realm is not well advanced, it will have an impact on the back, Mist should tell you After all, practice is like a snowball.”

"Each stage doesn't seem to be very important, but in fact every stage is very important, and the speed section does not have too many bells and whistles. It is about speed. The faster you are, the stronger it is. You are practicing the sharp knife, you should be clear."

"When you slash out with one knife, when the speed is extremely fast, the power of your knife will be greater."

Of course, Zhou Fan understood this, he just nodded and listened silently, just like a bullet of the same size, the higher the initial velocity, the greater the lethality.

"Speed ​​Wuji, in fact, if you have a way to make a drop of water congeal and not disperse, and then let it fly out at a high speed, its speed is so fast that it is unspeakable, then there will be nothing in the world that can avoid it, and there is nothing in the world. It's impenetrable." Rouge suddenly chuckled.

"Of course, even if you train to the high speed segment and become a top speed segment martial artist, you can't do it. This involves a more mysterious realm. We still focus on this small realm."

"There are only two speed factors that affect a speed segment martial artist, and that is the foundation and exercises you originally laid."

"Fast movement or slashing requires your body to have strong enough resistance. If your body's tenacity cannot withstand the speed of movement, then speeding up will only make your body tear. This is the importance of the foundation, ordinary martial artist. After the tempering of the resistance stage, the body will become tough and naturally able to withstand it."

Having said that, Rouge glanced at Zhou Fan again, "You are fighting against Duan by practicing the rare blood-gold technique, and your physical fitness is still acceptable. The strength of your body determines the upper limit of the speed you can achieve."

"The ability of the body to resist is an important factor that affects the speed segment. Among them are factors such as strength and blood qi burst. These are a bit cumbersome to say. After all, the foundation has already been laid, and it is difficult to change it. Let's talk about the speed segment. Kung Fu."

Zhou Fan was refreshed, knowing that Rouge was finally going to talk about the main point.

"I just told you that the strength of the body determines the upper limit of the speed that can be reached, but in fact..." Rouge smiled charmingly, "If the practice method is not good, few people can cultivate their speed to the limit that their body can bear. So practice is the most important thing.”

"The quality of the speed stage exercises varies, and they are divided into three levels. The first is the normal speed is the level of ordinary speed, which can be discerned by the naked eye. This type of exercises , the top of the practice is to swing the sword faster than ordinary warriors, and it is still possible to walk on the water with one's own speed."

"The second is the phantom level. This level is so fast that it can pull out phantoms. The naked eye can only barely see the movement of a shadow. When this level reaches the top, the weak can only pull out two or three phantoms to confuse the opponent. It's not a problem if the strong one can even pull out dozens of phantoms."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. Back then, Dongfang Jade was able to pull out a few phantoms. It seemed that he practiced phantom-level exercises. As for the exaggeration of pulling dozens of phantoms, all he saw was the faceless.

"The third..." Rouge suddenly paused, "Actually, I am afraid that the first two are known outside, and the third is rarely mentioned."

"Because the third level of speed exercises is rare and the most difficult to practice, it is called the teleportation level exercises, and you can cultivate to the top level, just like me."

After Rouge finished speaking, her body reached the bow in an instant, and from the bow to the stern in an instant, she moved faster and faster, she could be seen everywhere on the boat, but she couldn't see how she moved.

As if she could appear out of nowhere.

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