Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 273: condition

Zhou Fan's eyes kept staring at Rouge's graceful figure, but he just couldn't see how she moved.

In a blink of an eye, Rouge returned to his side, without even bringing any romance.

"This is the pinnacle of the teleportation-level technique in the speed segment." Rouge chuckled lightly.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a while, he never thought that the speed of a martial artist in the speed segment could reach such a terrifying level.

"How many meters does the boat need to move forward if I want to catch a teleportation technique?" Zhou Fan asked the most crucial question.

"At least 30 meters. At that time, 32 large gray worms will be needed as a bait. Your current bait is not enough to catch fish once."

Zhou Fan's complexion changed slightly, and he moved forward thirty meters. The number of gray worms needed to catch a fish was thirty-two large gray worms, so he probably needed to accumulate a lot of gray worms to be able to catch teleportation-level exercises.

With the amount of gray worms he gets every day as a wrestler, it would probably take about half a year to accumulate enough gray worms.

This is really too long and does not conform to Zhou Fan's plan.

"I wonder if Miss Rouge has a teleportation-level speed stage exercise in her hands?" Zhou Fan glanced at Rouge and asked.

"Oh, Miss Rouge is really a long-lost name." Rouge laughed, "Since the two of us had a showdown, you have never called me like that again, every time it's you, you, and your attitude towards me. That's called a boss."

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, did he offend her unintentionally? Shouldn't this woman still hold grudges for such a trivial matter?

To lick or not to lick, that is the question.

Just as Zhou Fan was hesitating and tangled, Rouge smiled again: "Of course I have the speed segment teleportation technique, didn't you see it just now? I have forgotten too many things, but I still remember, what I did. The school of study is inherently good at speed.”

"When it comes to speed, there are not many pilots on board that can match me, not to mention the small speed segment teleportation technique."

Zhou Fan didn't interrupt, just listened carefully.

"I have a speed segment teleportation level exercise "You Four Seasons" here. This exercise is stronger than the "Phantom Hundred Lines" exercise I used to practice in the speed segment. In order to learn the mysterious speed, I went around looted."

"It should be said that I have not seen a speed-segment exercise that is stronger than it." Rouge corrected again, "The person who created this exercise is very ambitious, thinking that as long as the speed is fast enough, they can run through time and go back to the past. During the time, you can take a leisurely stroll and enjoy the changing scenery of the four seasons, such as warm spring, hot summer, frosty autumn, and snowy winter, so it is called the Four Seasons Tour.”

"Can this practice really be done?" Zhou Fan asked in horror.

"Of course it's impossible." Rouge smiled again and again, "With a small speed segment, you just want to cross the flow of time, not to mention that your speed can't be so fast, even if it is really possible, I advise you Don't do will kill people."

Rouge said here, her expression slightly restrained.

"However, "You Four Seasons" does have its own uniqueness, and your luck is quite good." Rouge said, her face became more and more charming.

Zhou Fan could only look away, and he looked at Huihe Road in the distance: "Then I don't know what you want before you're willing to change with me?"

Of course, Rouge would not give him such a top speed technique for nothing.

"How can you look at people like this? They wanted to give it to you for nothing." Rouge said Jiao Di Di, "I'm heartbroken when you think of me like this, and now I'm going to change my mind."

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes twitched and he didn't say a word, but he was thinking that it's strange that I believe you!

"You beg me, beg me to forgive you, and I will give you that exercise for nothing." Rouge said with a smile.

"Would you like me to kneel down and hug your big legs and cry?" Zhou Fan asked.

"You just want to be beautiful." Rouge glanced at Zhou Fan and smiled again and again, her chest trembling, "This girl's beautiful legs are not for you to hug."

Zhou Fan patiently waited for Rouge's quotation. Rouge told him so much, it should not just be teasing him.

Rouge made a few more words to tease Zhou Fan, and seeing that Zhou Fan was unmoved, she shook her head and said, "It's boring, since you don't want to ask me, then I'll have to talk about the price, I don't want gray worms, and I don't want life expectancy. , I have all these."

"Then what do you want?" Zhou Fan frowned slightly.

"I want your heart." Rouge said winking.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, as long as he was not extremely narcissistic, he would not think that a woman like Rouge fell in love with him, so Rouge meant...

"You want my heart?" Zhou Fan said solemnly.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Rouge asked back with a smile, which was a positive answer to Zhou Fan's question.

"If I gave you my heart, I'd probably die. Besides this is the Grey River space, I can't give you my heart, can I?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows, he felt that the woman was still teasing him. .

"No, you are wrong, as long as you agree to the transaction, the ship will have a way to peel off your heart and bring it to me in the Grey River space." Rouge said with a smile on her face, "Don't underestimate the ability of the ship. "

Zhou Fan's face became ugly. Of course, he would not underestimate the ability of the ship, but it was the first time he knew that any part of his body could be moved in for trading.

"You should know that this is impossible. If you want my heart, you want my life." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, if he died, there would be nothing left. Change your own life.

"It's just a heart." Rouge shook her head to deny Zhou Fan's statement, "Have you forgotten that you are a deceitful person? Even if you don't have a heart, I can guarantee that you will survive."

Zhou Fan felt a headache, "Even if I have a strong but if I lose my heart, it will definitely have a great impact on me. You should change the conditions."

"It's up to you whether you agree or not." Rouge smiled, "I just want your heart."

"What's the use of your heart?" Zhou Fan couldn't figure it out.

"It's useless, don't think about it, I'm not the kind of freak who likes to eat people's hearts, but I like to treat people's hearts as my collection, whether it's a man or a woman." Rouge's voice seemed ethereal.

"Did you know? A human heart is like a peach, but peach is big and small, male and female, and the shape is slightly different. I haven't collected your heart with deceitful ability. ."

"For me, your heart is quite collectible, otherwise I wouldn't exchange "You Four Seasons" with you." Rouge's eyes looked at Zhou Fan's heart with some burning heat.

Zhou Fan just felt a little cold in his heart. He thought silently that if he likes to store hearts, it is no better than eating people's livers.

"Can't you change the terms? Even if you get my heart, you won't get my people." Zhou Fan said again in a negotiated tone.

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