Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 287: black light

Will you die if you pull the blindfold off?

Zhou Fan was stunned when he heard the woman's words, and then the huge memory came back to life.

He remembered that this woman was his mother, and he was only eight years old now.

Since birth, he has been wearing a blindfold and has never taken it off.

Because his mother told him that there is a black light in this world.

Black light is everywhere, no matter who sees the black light for the first time, the body will automatically disintegrate and become part of the black light.

His mother wouldn't lie to him, everyone in this world who dared to lift their blindfolds and open their eyes to see the world is dead.

People live in a dark world with closed eyes.

He let go of his hand and spoke to his mother, whose father was also said to have died with his eyes open.

He and his mother had long been accustomed to such closed eyes, and his mother quickly made breakfast and brought it to him.

He picked up the spoon and could eat without even looking.

But the surroundings suddenly shook violently, and he heard the tinkling of the cups and saucers on the table, and the soup from the spoon in his hand spilled out.

There were sounds of panic and fear outside.

"It's the black beast... the black beast is here, Afan, give me your hand." The mother reached out and hit him in the face.

Zhou Fan quickly raised his hand and held his mother's hand, and then his mother pulled him out of the air-raid shelter.

My mother said that after the emergence of black light, people in the world lived in air-raid shelters, because it is not only the black light that is dangerous in this world.

There is also Black Beast, a derivative of Black Light.

Black beasts will come to hunt and kill humans.

He has never opened his eyes to see the world once, and he has never seen the appearance of a black beast. It should be said that no one has ever seen a black beast, but he knows that the black beast is very large and makes a strange scream.

People with closed eyes lost their sight and could only hide in the dark shelter to avoid the black beast.

It's just that even in the dark air-raid shelter, the black light can still seep in, and they still can't open their eyes.

And the black beast that makes him feel cold when he hears his name can come to him from time to time.

When I got out of the air raid shelter, I could feel a scorching light covering my body. This was sunlight.

There were screams of panic and screams everywhere.

His mother dragged his hand, identified the direction of the tremors and howling sounds, and ran in the opposite direction from those sound sources.

The people in the air-raid shelter had already explored and rehearsed the escape route before the arrival of the black beast, and had also cleared the surrounding obstacles that might upset people.

They can sprint without being blindfolded, avoiding the black beasts behind them.

Just in the case of crowded people, it is inevitable that accidents will happen.

He was accidentally pushed and fell to the ground, separated from his mother's hand.

At only eight years old, he held back his tears.

"Afan, grab my hand." The mother yelled at him.

In a hurry, he quickly grabbed the hand that was handed over.

"Have you caught it?"



He ran after his mother again.

Running all the way, the whistling sound of the black beast behind him became smaller and smaller.

He felt his mother slow down, and he stopped too.

"Finally escaped." He smiled.

The hand let go of his hand in vain.

"Mom, when are we going back to the bomb shelter?" He was a little strange, but he still asked.

But there was no response, so silent that he could only hear light breathing.

"Mom, why didn't you answer?" he asked nervously, he was just a child.

"I'm not your mother, you're holding the wrong person." A man's voice sounded.

Zhou Fan was stunned, a panic surged in his heart, he should have been familiar with his mother's hand, but everything happened in such a hurry just now that he didn't pay attention to this kind of thing, and he didn't even know if he caught the wrong hand, "Then my mother Where did you go? Can you accompany me back to find her?"

"Go find it yourself, my daughter is also lost, I'm going to find my daughter." The man said angrily.

"Uncle, maybe your daughter is by my mother's side? I'll go back with you." Zhou Fan hurriedly said.

But there was no response, he just heard the sound of footsteps going away.

He hurriedly followed the sound, but in order to get rid of him, the man quickened his pace, and soon he couldn't keep up.

He lost the man's footsteps and could only stand there in a daze.

Just now, in order to avoid the black beast, he didn't remember the route. Now which direction should he go, is the direction of the original road?

His vision was full of red and black, and his forehead was covered in sweat.

He shouted loudly, hoping someone could help him, but no one answered him at all.

The world seemed to be left alone.

He didn't want to stay where he was, and he didn't dare to stay where he was, walking in one direction.

The more he panicked, the faster he walked.

It's just that his feet hit something and he fell to the ground.

The ground was full of rubble, and he could feel warm blood on his knees and palms.

The pain made him whimper, and his eyes were wet with tears.

He really wanted to take off the blindfold and see which direction he should go to find his home?

But he remembered that his mother said that no matter what happens, you can't take off the blindfold, and you can't die!

Because removing the blindfold means death!

The earth trembled again, and the whistling sound seemed to ring in my ears.

It's a black beast!

Here comes the black beast.

Trembling all over, he struggled to get up from the ground.

Run in the opposite direction of howling.

But this was no longer a path he was familiar with, and he fell to the ground again.

He didn't dare to cry anymore, because the voice of the black beast was getting closer and the earth was shaking.

He could only get up again and run towards the front.


He seemed to hit a wall and bounced him back, he just felt a sharp pain all over his body, warm blood was dripping from his nose, and his head was buzzing as if it had been bombed.

His whole body swayed.

He stopped, refraining from crying.

There was no road ahead, so he could only crouch down as his mother taught him, praying in his heart that the black beast would not see him.

The earth trembled.

After a while, the tremors gradually slowed down until they disappeared.

He quickly mentioned that the heart of the throat also hung, and the black beast didn't seem to find him and went in another direction.

He lay on the ground and waited patiently for a while before sitting up.

Just as he sat up, a huge howl seemed to ring in his ears.

The strong wind blew his clothes and He was stunned for a moment, and he reacted after smelling a rotten smell.

The black beast was probably right in front of him, and the gust of wind just now came from the roar of the beast.

He jumped to the left subconsciously, and he heard a loud bang.

The wall holding him down collapsed.

The dust was blowing in all directions, and he couldn't help coughing.

He struggled to get up, trying to escape.

But a gust of wind whistled, and his left arm was torn off.

The pain contorted his face.

The sharp beast roar sounded again.

He screamed loudly, and stretched his right hand to the blindfold, he wanted to see the world before he died.

The blindfold was ripped off by him.

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