Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 288: come out

The blindfold was torn open, and the intense light made Zhou Fan's eyes blink before he could fully adapt.

The moment he opened his eyes, the world was completely silent.

Standing beside him was a two-legged monster with a height of dozens of feet. The monster was obviously the black beast they often mentioned, but the black beast was not black. It has numerous slender tentacles around its waist.

The black beast has stopped moving, because Zhou Fan, who opened his eyes, is no longer its prey.

Zhou Fan didn't look at the black beast again, he just looked at the black light floating in the air, the black light was only the size of a fist, but he couldn't count them.

Pure and soft black light.

Looking at the black light, his heart seemed to be pounding strongly with a hammer, the tiny hairs on his limbs stood on end, and his hands were cold.

A scorching heat emerged from the depths of his body, and with a snort, his body burned, and the black flame was burning him.

He rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on his body, but the flames became more and more intense, causing him to howl miserably.

Mother was right, black light cannot be seen.

His body was gradually burnt away by the flames, his hands, feet, and torso were all burnt into fine black particles, and his eyes were still looking at the black light that could be seen everywhere.

What a strange black light, so many black lights, they can't avoid touching the black light at ordinary times, but it's okay to touch it, but they can't see it.

But it was too late to say anything, his head was also covered with black flames, and his only eyes were not burned by the flames, but it was coming soon.

He was inexplicably unwilling in his heart, and just when he thought about this, the black flame suddenly went out.

The black light dissipated, the black beast standing still beside him also began to collapse, and the whole world was collapsing.

Zhou Fan's body recovered again, and it was not in the form of a child.

The dream catcher appeared in the air, with a dazzling golden thread in the dark green bead.

It has finished capturing, and because of this, the nightmare world begins to crumble.

"It's so dangerous. In this nightmare, I actually turned into a child." Zhou Fan, who had recovered from his memory, had a look of fear on his face.

Because of being a child, it will be more difficult to resist fear.

The Dream Catcher returned to Zhou Fan's body, and then his body quickly dissipated, and soon disappeared into this collapsed nightmare world.

When Zhou Fan opened his eyes again, he returned to the wooden boat.

Rouge was looking at him with a face of surprise, she hooked her fingers at Zhou Fan, and the Dream Catcher flew out of Zhou Fan's body and landed on her palm.

Rouge blew lightly at the Dream Catcher Bead, and a strand of golden silk flew out of the bead and turned into a dream puppet and fell to the ground.

Rouge just pulled the dream puppet lightly with her hand, and the dream puppet swayed from side to side like a tumbler.

"You have already got the dream puppet, where is my "You Four Seasons"?" Zhou Fan looked at Rouge and asked.

"Could it be that I can still repay my debts?" Rouge glanced at Zhou Fan charmingly, she stretched out her index finger and tapped, and a blue light overflowed from her fingertips.

The blue light flashed by and disappeared from Zhou Fan's Yintang.

Complicated knowledge flashed up and down in the sea of ​​consciousness, Zhou Fan's face showed joy, and this adventure was finally not in vain.

"It's daytime, you can stay here for a while, I'll send you out, but be careful, I don't know where Mengou will move you to appear." Rouge chuckled again.

Because Zhou Fan came in through the dream puppet, his body had already been put away by the dream puppet. Now that he has passed the nightmare, according to the rules, the dream puppet will move him out of Bihu Villa. As for where he appears, then Not necessarily.

Zhou Fan was also a little worried about what happened to them when Yan returned, so he nodded lightly.

Rouge snapped her fingers, Zhou Fan's body was covered by the gray fog, and soon disappeared on the boat.

Rouge looked back and found that the dream couple was sinking to the deck as if sinking into a swamp, and soon disappeared in front of Rouge's eyes.

"Don't forget your promise." Rouge looked down at the deck and reminded, "But according to your ability, you should be able to get everything easily, why are you interested in a little dream puppet?"

Naturally, Rouge could not answer such a question.

With a bang, Zhou Fan found himself appearing several feet high in the air. Below him was a piece of grass. He fell towards the grass. Next to the grass was the Bihu Lake in Bihu Villa.

Zhou Fan, who fell on the grass, quickly stood up, and his eyes immediately became vigilant. The outside of the villa might be even more dangerous.

"Brother Zhou." Li Jiuyue's happy voice came from the side.

Zhou Fan quickly looked over, Li Jiuyue was standing three feet away beside him, holding a golden long sword in his hand, looking at Zhou Fan in surprise, he obviously did not expect to see Zhou Fan here.

However, before Zhou Fan could speak, his face changed greatly, and three short arrows roared towards Li Jiuyue in the air.

The short arrow is no more than **** long, and the arrow swirls with azure light. This is a special short arrow with a talisman attached.

Zhou Fan flew towards Li Jiuyue, and the two fell directly on the grass, avoiding the three deadly short arrows, which sank into the grass and were bottomless.

Zhou Fan could feel a soft touch on his chest, which made him startled slightly, and his nose smelled a faint fragrance.

Li Jiuyue looked at Zhou Fan who was close at hand, his eyes were also condensed, but the golden sword in his right hand who was thrown down quickly waved.

The tip of the sword drew a semicircle of golden curtain.

With three loud bangs, the two short arrows that were shot again at a rapid rate were blocked from the golden curtain.

"You idiot, get up." Li Jiuyue pushed Zhou Fan away with his hand, and he quickly stood up.

Zhou Fan also quickly stood up, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face, Li Jiuyue's realm was a little lower, but he had a lot of talismans to save his life, so he didn't need the punch he just made.

"Brother Zhou, be careful of the masked man." Li Jiuyue snorted coldly, the long sword in his hand slashed out, and a semicircular golden curtain was formed in front of the two of them, and several short arrows were intercepted.

This is a high-grade military symbol of the yellow rank. With a single swing of a sword, it can form a small enchantment to defend against other people's attacks.

Zhou Fan tensed up in a hurry to stop himself from thinking wildly. He quickly realized that those short arrows were not an attack just, but when he appeared, Li Jiuyue was fighting with others.

Zhou Fan looked forward and saw a man wearing a white ghost mask standing in the lake.

The man's eyes on the mask looked coldly at Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue.

The one who can levitate in water... This masked man is a cultivator above the stamina level.

Zhou Fan's face became serious.

The masked man waved his hands, and three short arrows flew out of his sleeves, shooting towards Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue.

Li Jiuyue waved his sword and blocked it again. With three bangs, the golden enchantment intercepted the short arrow, but the military talisman on the sword was also exhausted.

Without hesitation, Li Jiuyue took out another military talisman and put it on the long sword, and he said anxiously: "Brother Zhou, this man fought me up close just now, and was almost injured by my powerful talisman, now he dare not do it again. Approach, only dare to use such insidious methods to consume my defensive talisman."

"This person is a master of physical strength, and his strength is superb, but before he dares to come, Brother Zhou, you go first, and I will come later."

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