Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 210 New Demon Hunting Commission

"The Shrieking Shack is still too dangerous for you. It has long been in disrepair." Sirius Black said.

"Whenever Lupine was about to turn into a werewolf, Dumbledore would arrange for him to hide in the Shrieking Shack to spend this difficult time."

"Transforming into a werewolf is very painful. Lupine can only relieve the pain by howling loudly. This is how the villagers have always said that the ghost's roar comes from."

Harry and Ron suddenly understood, and at the same time they began to feel sorry for Professor Lupin.

"We were friends at that time. At first, my father, James, and Peter didn't know about it. He would find various reasons to ask for leave at this time. He was afraid that we would do it because of Reject him if he’s a werewolf.”

Recalling that time, a smile appeared on Sirius Black's lips.

"Of course we won't exclude him. We help Lupine. Every full moon night, we go to the Shrieking Shack with Lupine."

"Peter turned into a mouse so that the Whomping Willow couldn't hit him. Then he pressed the scar on the Whomping Willow and let us in."

"I turned into a big black dog, and your father turned into a stag. The two of us frightened Lupine into a werewolf when he transformed, making him less painful."

"Later, we were even able to take Lupine out for a walk! Your father came up with all these methods. He is really very smart."

Recalling that period of friendship, Sirius Black's face was filled with a warm smile.

Harry also enjoyed listening to Sirius Black's stories about his father, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Blake one by one" Ron suddenly interrupted, interrupting the warm scene between the two.

"So why did Peter rebel?" Ron asked the question that he had been thinking about for the past few days.

After hearing Ron's question, Sirius Black's expression quickly became disappointed.

"I don't know -" whispered Sirius Black, "our relationship was once so -"

The atmosphere between the three people suddenly became a little depressed.

In fact, there was indeed a reason for Peter Pettigrew's betrayal. At the beginning, Peter Pettigrew was also very upright and brave.

Otherwise he wouldn't have been sorted into Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat.

Later he also became friends with James, Sirius Black and Lupine, and then formed the Marauders Four.

But in terms of ability, Peter Pettigrew's ability is indeed the worst among the four, so his status is naturally the lowest among the four Predators.

As a result, he was often teased by James and Sirius Black during their schooldays.

These seemingly innocuous jokes to James and Sirius Black left a lot of hurt in Peter Pettigrew's low self-esteem and sensitive heart.

These injuries slowly accumulated and turned into jealousy and resentment. Finally, under the instigation of Voldemort, this jealousy and resentment finally turned into the anger of revenge.

Peter Pettigrew became greedy, he longed to become powerful, he longed to be better than others, and ultimately, driven by this desire, tragedy happened.

Hermione did not participate in the conversation between the three of them. At this time, all her energy was focused on one thing.

All her attention now was on the street.

She saw Ethan and Tonks walking down the street laughing and laughing together. Tonks was holding Ethan's arm intimately, looking very close.

Hermione's heart began to bubble with sourness again.

Finally, Hermione watched the two of them enter Mrs. Puddieff's Teahouse.

Hermione was a little eager to know what Senior Tonks would do when she and Ethan went on a private date.

She glanced carefully at Sirius Black, Harry and Ron, who were chatting animatedly.

Watching the three people chatting animatedly without noticing her at all, Hermione quietly followed Ethan and Tonks to the wall of Mrs. Puddieff's teahouse.

The windows of Mrs. Puddifer's Teahouse were not clear, and Hermione could only see the vague figures of Ethan and Tonks.

As for the sound, it was completely inaudible.

This made Hermione a little anxious. Finally, Hermione gritted her teeth, wrapped a scarf around her face a few times, opened the door and walked into Mrs. Puddieffe's Tea House.

Hermione sneakily walked into Mrs. Puddifer's Teahouse, carefully avoiding Ethan's sight, and sat in a hidden position close to where Ethan and Tonks were sitting.

"Little girl, are you here?" The plump Mrs. Puddieff looked curiously at Hermione who cautiously entered the teahouse alone.

Mrs. Puddifer's Teahouse was a place for couples to go on dates, but Hermione didn't know this.

It is very rare to be alone in a teahouse here.

"Thank you, I don't want anything." Hermione was not thirsty, so she subconsciously refused.

But she immediately realized that it was inappropriate to enter someone else's store without ordering something.

"Please bring me a cup of black tea, thank you." Hermione whispered to Mrs. Puddifer.

"Miss, are you alone?" Mrs. Puddieff said to Hermione hesitantly.

"Of course! No one is following me, and I'm not following anyone else!" Hermione was startled. She thought Mrs. Puddieff had discovered that she was following someone else.

"Okay, miss." Mrs. Puddieff glanced at Hermione strangely again, and then went to prepare black tea for Hermione.

Hermione carefully leaned her ear closer and listened to the conversation between Ethan and Tonks.

"This is our second date here." Tonks whispered to Ethan, winking seductively at Ethan.

"Yes." Ethan stretched forward and grabbed Tonks' hand, scratching Tonks' palm with his fingers. Tonks' face immediately turned red.

"I want to tell you something" Ethan said.

"What's wrong?" Tonks said curiously.

"I'm going to Poland." Ethan said to Tonks seriously.

"Poland?" Tonks said curiously. She didn't understand why Ethan suddenly ran so far away.

"I received a commission. I am going to Poland to deal with a crisis caused by monsters." Ethan said to Tonks.

A few days ago, a surprisingly large owl came to Hogwarts Castle.

Only after Ethan got the letter on the owl's foot did he know that the owl actually flew all the way from Poland.

This surprised Ethan. He had no idea how such a big owl could fly across Europe, cross the English Channel, and fly to Hogwarts.

In order to reward this hard-working owl, Ethan specially dug a bowl full of owl food.

Sure enough, this owl's appetite was worthy of its ability to fly across the entire European continent.

A bowl full of owl food was completely eaten by this big owl.

This owl looked really tired. After eating a whole bowl of owl food, it squatted on the windowsill and fell asleep.

Only then did Ethan open the letter and read it carefully.

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