Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 211 Letter from Poland

To Ethan of Toussaint, Master Demon Hunter

Our village has been attacked by a large number of monsters recently, resulting in several tragedies. Crazy monsters attacked our villagers, destroyed our farmland, and killed our cattle and sheep.

Our local wizards are no longer able to cope with today's crisis, so we need to hire you, a professional witcher, to help us deal with such a crisis.

Please come to the Polish village of Ostyn to discuss with us in detail. If we can successfully solve this crisis, we will give you a generous reward.

——Sir Alma Sapkov

At first, Ethan didn't intend to go that far to receive such a somewhat baffling commission, but then something fell out of the envelope.

What fell out of the envelope was a gold medallion with a longbow engraved on it.

Ethan rummaged through the Hogwarts library and finally found a book introducing articles about ancient magical pure-blood families in Europe.

And I found a description of the Sapkov family in the book.

The book mentions that the Sapkov family has always been an old family in Poland. At its most glorious time, the Sapkov family controlled a large number of magic medicinal plantations and even gold mines.

Although the Sapkov family later declined due to unknown reasons, the Sapkov family still left a strong mark on the history of the Polish magical world.

Seeing this, Ethan was already planning to accept this commission, because the reward for this commission must be very generous.

As the saying goes, a broken ship still has three thousand nails. Ethan didn't believe that a magical family that once controlled a gold mine would have no savings.

Tonks was speechless as she read the entire letter that Ethan handed her.

"So, are you planning to go to Poland to carry out this commission?" Tonks asked curiously.

"Yes" Ethan replied with a nod.

"I've heard about this Sapkov family," Tonks said, taking a sip of the sweet tea in front of her.

"What news?" Ethan asked curiously.

"Their family seems to have been subjected to some strange curse?" Tonks recalled with a frown.

"It was because of that curse that the Sapkov family began to decline. I don't know the specific content of the curse. I also heard from colleagues who returned from a business trip to Poland." Tonks told Ethan.

"Well, it seems that we will have to go through some trouble this time." Ethan sighed.

"I want to go with you this time too!" Tonks suddenly announced, "I have wanted to travel to Poland for a long time. It just so happens that I have also saved up a long time for vacation, and it just so happened that I took it all off this time."

"Tonks, hunting demons is not as simple as traveling, it is very dangerous!" Ethan said with a frown.

"Please, I am an Auror after all!" Tonks said pretending to be angry.

In the end, under Tonks' hard work and constant flirting, Ethan finally agreed to let Tonks go to Poland with him.

At this time, Hermione was still nestled aside, carefully listening to the conversation between Ethan and Tonks.

Mrs. Puddifu handed her black tea, and she just nodded carefully to express her gratitude.

Suddenly, Hermione heard a "tapping" sound coming from next door.

Hermione turned her head curiously and looked towards the source of the sound.

Then she was shocked to find two senior lovers kissing across the sugar bowl.

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise. She really didn't understand that these two people would be so bold and would do such an outrageous thing in public.

But Hermione soon discovered something was wrong, because there were more than one couple doing this in this small teahouse.

Hermione saw that in various corners of the teahouse, many student couples coming out of Hogwarts were doing various intimate acts.

Only then did Hermione discover the various laces and decorations in Mrs. Puddieff's teahouse.

Hermione understood immediately, it turned out that this was a couple's teahouse, and Hermione's face instantly turned red.

She finally understood why Mrs. Pudif looked at her with such strange eyes.

Hermione was too embarrassed at this time. She quickly took out her scarf, wrapped her head tightly, put the money for the black tea on the table, and escaped from the scarf. Mrs. Defoe's Teahouse.

Hermione, who had escaped from Mrs. Puddieff's Teahouse, bumped into Ron's chest, almost knocking him over.

Finally, the happy Hogsmeade Open Day is coming to an end, and the three of them have gained a lot this time.

Sirius Black gave Ron a new pet, firstly to thank Ron for his brave help to Harry, and secondly to compensate his pet Scabbers.

Finally, in the pet store, Ron carefully chose an owl, which was a horned owl named Zhu Weiqiong.

But Ron preferred to call him Piggy.

Whenever Ron calls this name, this little owl will peck Ron's ear affectionately.

Ron also liked this owl very much, at least much more than the old mouse Spots.

Finally, everyone's life returned to normal. Now Harry's life is much better. Because of the Firebolt, he has completely become the star of Gryffindor.

The only one who dissatisfied Harry was Snape.

Recently, Snape has been taking revenge on Harry, Ron and Hermione in an almost crazy way.

Whenever it came to Potions class, Snape would seize every opportunity to deduct points from Gryffindor.

Including ink smearing on the notebook, dropping the quill on the floor, or even the slightest distraction will become an excuse for Snape to deduct points.

When Snape finished his lecture and it was time for the students to prepare potions, Snape would stand behind Harry and Ron.

Staring at Harry and Ron's cauldron with evil eyes.

As long as Harry and Ron made any slight mistake, Snape would immediately spot it.

He used this mistake to scold Harry and Ron harshly, and immediately deducted five points from Gryffindor.

Under the huge psychological shadow caused by Snape, Harry and Ron made repeated mistakes in Potions class.

Potions class also seemed to have become a bottomless black hole, devouring Gryffindor points every day.

In the end, Snape's crazy abuse of Harry and Ron finally left a psychological shadow on their hearts.

Ron even had nightmares about Snape every day, often waking up screaming at night.

After Sirius Black found out about this, he was so angry that he went to find trouble with Snape.

Harry and Ron struggled to stop Sirius Black.

They knew that Sirius Black going to Snape would only make the situation worse.

What's worse is that Snape also fell in love with Ethan.

In the past, if the two met in the corridor, they would say hello to each other.

But now when the two of them met Snape, they would just snort and brush Ethan over without even looking at him.

Now Ethan can no longer care about this. He has one more thing to complete before going to Poland.

That is to go to the old Blake house, where there is an important thing waiting for Ethan to pick up.

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