The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

: 391 Barbell, you are a matchstick!

And Gu Zheng couldn't care about with a child at all, so he naturally showed a very kind smile and said, "No, because I'm also a member of the classification competition."

"Maybe in the course of the game, we still need everyone's cooperation."

"That's it!" Seeing Gu Zheng's so easy to get along with, Wang Lei's admiration for him was once again revealed.

To the leader of his own national team, he introduced with a little admiration: "This is Gu Zheng, the one I have said many times in the team, even an amateur player that I have never run."

"Really, it's amazing, you haven't ran with him."

"How do you say that feeling? By the way, he is a natural rhythmic person."

"My own rhythm will be messed up because of his changes."

"Most people simply can't stand it. Right, if it weren't for Gu Zheng, I and Lianping, the last time we played, the results would have been at least half a minute ahead of schedule."

"At the end of the day, I couldn't get up and down, and was scolded by our leader teacher."

Yes, Wang Lei, who was unlucky, was also thrown on the scene of the game by the teacher of his physical education university.

Hearing the admiration of Gu Zheng from his own team members, and vaguely heard of Gu Zheng's legend, his team members finally remembered who this awesome man was.

"I'll go! You are the city manager!"

"I wiped it, I said, how did I look familiar with you just now? I still have a video of your game here."

"Our coach also replayed your game to us, and analyzed it from a technical point of view. Why did you make such a result."

"Ah? Is there any? Am I quite famous with you?"

"Of course!"

Several athletes from the National Sports Commission slammed their heads: "You don't know, do you?"

"Know what?"

"It is the result of your last community competition, which has been entered into the official inquiry system of our national athletes."

"Your application for the Asian record for the half marathon is about to come down. The official website for our results query has already been entered in advance."

"Now, anyone who engages in middle- and long-distance running in China doesn't know your name."

"Everyone has said that you are a soul runner, otherwise it is impossible to explain how an ordinary person can do things that we can't do after years of training."

Gu Zheng was surprised when he heard this. He seemed to return strangely: "Because I am a city manager."

Well, this answer really defeated a large group of people, and let a group of professional athletes hold their foreheads and don't want to talk to him for the time being.

I only heard of being born to know it, but never heard of being born to run away.

You belonged to a camel in your last life, right?

But everyone's topic is off track, and there are benefits of off track.

These young people who belonged to different teams, but were engaged in the same project, became acquainted in an instant.

When the lunch is over, the two brothers are already wrapped around their necks.

As for the very arrogant talented player who was only 17 years old in their opinion, until the end of the meal, he did not see his return.

Like such an irrelevant person, Gu Zheng turned his head and left him behind.

In the afternoon training, because the capital at this time suddenly reached a high temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, the team began to adapt from the basic indoor training.

When the staff arrived, Gu Zheng discovered that there were surprisingly many athletes from the side of the municipal sports committee he imagined.

Jiang Lang on the side, because Gu Zheng is the personnel that Director Tie focuses on, he is now explaining the composition of these personnel.

"This time it is basically our collective training exercise, in order to achieve a relatively good result in the National Games in the second half of the year."

"Strive to let a few good seedlings in the team hopefully enter the eyes of the national team."

"Preparation for a few more good seedlings for the Olympic selection."

"So, this time it's our city's sports committee. There are so many people."

"Gu Zheng, don't be afraid. Appropriate competition is the default of our sports people."

"Because only a stronger competitive spirit can arouse the athletes' ambition to win, and once they have the heart to win, it is easier to achieve better results in the competition."

"So?" Gu Zheng tilted his head and looked at Jiang Lang.

"So, if their national team wants to compete with you, our sports committee has only one word."

"That is, go!"

With your words, I feel relieved.

As soon as Gu Zheng unified his thoughts with Jiang Lang, the team leader over there waved at him.

Instruct him to come to the data tester, and then make a simple data record, compare it with the previous record, and make adjustments to the next training plan according to the changes in the athlete's physical data.

Therefore, during the second measurement, the people in it didn't dare to be sloppy.

After they got the basic data, they discovered that, apart from the significant improvement in the arm muscles of his shoulders, Gu Zheng still maintained the other basic data perfectly.

In this regard, the track team leader is very satisfied.

For amateur players like Gu Zheng, the most feared is the out-of-shape data caused by improper diet and training.

It seems that the basic training they gave Gu Zheng back then should have been practiced until Yiheng complied.

Therefore, the coach who received the data pointed to the equipment area in front and suggested: "You should warm up first."

"Then, this afternoon, we will concentrate on training for speed bursts."

Which ones are they?

"First, let's start with a set of 25KG barbells, and then squat up with two sets of 40KG weights."

"This is a separate training project. If nothing happens, we will focus on speed training this afternoon."

"Because I found that your endurance is very uniform and long-lasting, but compared with professional athletes, there is still a considerable shortcoming in the final mile of the finish sprint."

Well, it makes sense.

Gu Zheng nodded and cooperated. When he arrived at the equipment area, he discovered that there were already acquaintances in practice here, who were the players in the national team who would compete with him.

Because of the friendship at noon, everyone greeted them very warmly.

Only Wu Yong, who silently stood up under the barbell, is still ‘huh! He answered Gu Zheng with his nostrils.

This embarrassed Wang Lei and Lian Ping, both of the national team.

But Gu Zheng didn't really care about it.

It would be boring for a person of his own level to care about a child.

Therefore, he just picked up the barbell, lay on the machine bed quietly, took a deep breath, and started the first set of barbells with a rhythm of one, two, three, and four.

25KG, fifty kilograms, is not a very heavy weight for an athlete who exercises for a long time.

But to achieve the effect of exercise, it is not the kind of dead house, slowly and slowly, at a speed that can only be lifted for a minute by gritting your teeth.

If you want to exercise the upper back muscles, rhomboid muscles, and hip muscles well, you must be very efficient and fast in rhythm.

Let these muscle groups, under the action of rapid varicose and exercise, achieve the purpose of exercise and strengthening.

However, Gu Zheng's hand is a bit too scary.

Because the 50 jin in his hand is like 5 jin, and the weightless one seems to float.

Even outsiders can see that a barbell of this weight, for Gu Zheng, does not play a role in exercise at all.

Because Gu Zheng, who was lying on the machine bed now, seemed to be holding a stick of firewood upwards, which was lightly ineffective.

And just this set of actions caused Jiang Lang, who was drinking water, to squirt out.

In the equipment area, I watched as Gu Zheng finished a group of fast-paced national team players, all petrified on the spot.

"Gu... Gu Zheng..."

"Is your arm okay?"

"What can be wrong with the arm? What's the matter?"

"No, did you know that you were lifting the barbell up and down just now, as if you were doing rhythmic gymnastics? Does your arm hurt?"

"No feeling?"

Before the people here had their mouths closed, Director Tie on the side rushed to inquire.

"How did this happen? Gu Zheng, don't you plan to compete? How can you be so desperate? It's easy to cause muscle strain."

"Even if you want to achieve results, you are not so impatient!"

Director Tie was really worried that the good seedlings that were finally found could not be ruined because they were too motivated.

But Gu Zheng was very aggrieved. He poked Director Tie lightly, and pointed to the barbell plate that added weight to the Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, he copied with one hand. I played a 25kg sheet of iron and started a sand hammer dance performance.

Sand hammer?

A performance instrument used by kindergarten children, the simplest performance instrument specially matched with the beat of percussion.

It's just that the small hammers in other people's hands are only two or two, while the two iron pieces in Gu Zheng's hands are 100 jin.

When Gu Zheng almost twisted his **** twice as the end of the dance movement, Director Tie on the side immediately recovered from the shock.

"Stop! Stop!"

Then he looked around very vigilantly, and found that there were all track and field players doing training, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he continued to ask: "Gu Zheng, are you born with this strength?"


"No one else knows about this except us, right?"


"That's good, that's good."

Director Tie patted his chest with lingering fear, and then with the most serious expression, he said to Gu Zheng: "Since the barbell is not going to be effective, then you should do a weight-bearing squat training."

"Also, don't show off your strength training in front of people outside our track team."

"Especially the weightlifting team, have you heard?"


Gu Zheng scratched his head and only thought it was funny, but the Wu Yong behind him, after seeing Gu Zheng showing such a hand, was very unconvinced and muttered: "With so much strength, he has the ability to compete the most. A fierce weightlifting team, not to run to the long-distance running team to show off its prestige."

"We are not collecting tatters here."

Such a whisper can only be heard by people like Gu Zheng...

Hey, the child is too young, and it is easy to suffer.

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